The Case for Heaven, A Movie Review

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The Case for Heaven Movie was released on April 4th, 2022, and plays in select theatres till the 6th. A documentary-style adaption of the bestselling book by author Lee Strobel, it was a unique production focused on how one can truly believe in the existence of the afterlife. I have previously written a review of the book format here back in December of 2021.

The film was focused on Near-Death Experiences, events from the life of Strobel, and interviews with prominent artists and professors across the world. Though the documentary was two hours long, it did not feel long or drawn out. The production quality of the film was evident in the traveling for certain shots that were accomplished and well conveyed.

As a fan of Strobel, I looked forward to the release and was able to view it on opening night. There were many seats taken in the theatre, and the turnout for a small production like this was fantastic. Strobel continues to draw a following as he continues his output of “The Case For” series of literary and visual productions. I personally enjoyed the aesthetic background imagery used throughout the documentary as it kept the viewer interested.

I recommend this movie to someone who wants to learn more about Strobel and his work, as well as Christians who want a documentary on the subject of heaven. The film takes an interesting perspective on the subject and is applicable to a general audience. You can stay up to date with the movie here and purchase the book that started it all here.